Herzegovina, Kosovo, Sandzak and Croatia. Their activities are financed by the proceeds of illegal drug trafficking.
It is alleged that the analysis Movieplay for security services in Brussels on 6 June of this year, titled “Modern Terrorism in the Balkans: The real threat of security in Europe”, which is held by “Voice of Serbian”.
It is alleged that the regional terrorist network even stronger in the Balkans and the wider impact on the territory of the Sanjak, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania.- It becomes more radical forming militias that work with “al-Qaeda” and other terrorist organizations. Israeli intelligence analysis shows that Islamic charities are constantly sending money Muslim Bosniak and Albanian origin to form the financial base for future terrorist activities – says the analysis.
- With regard to terrorist threats, they do not only refer to Muslim fundamentalists. We must take into account the influence of Iranian intelligence agents in the center of the local government. What is the threat of Islamic fundamentalism security speaks example Mevlid Jasarevic attack on the U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo in October 2011th year – said further.
The analysis explains that even mid-2003. leaders have adopted a plan of radical Islamists “Balkans 2020″ prepared by Ayman al-Zawahiri and the Balkans where one of the centers of Islamic terrorism in Europe, according to the strategy, “Al-Qaeda” has to be implemented by the end of 2020th year.
It is pointed out that although the activities of mujahideen throughout the country, no doubt, after the extinct in 1995. the intensification of anti-terrorist activities the U.S., this phenomenon should not be ignored, since the terrorist network linked to Islamic fundamentalism began to gain importance in the Balkans 21 Ages.
- Strengthening their activities in Western Europe includes gathering of “White Al-Qaeda” and prepare for terrorist attacks. At the end of the August 2003. volunteers Slavic origin mainly from Kosovo and Bosnia were merged into one group, which they called “white devils.” Trained for suicide attacks in Europe and in Israel – says the analysis, which is the “Voice of Serbian” arrived in Brussels.
It states that it is already the end of 2004. The 200 terrorists, aged between 20 and 25 years, were ready to carry out attacks.
- They are trained in Islamic countries and the training paid unit “Al-Qaeda” is responsible for the Balkans and Europe. Then they sent to Kosovo and in Macedonia in 2005. The suicide terrorists continued training in northern Albania and Kosovo – write a review that deals with the issue of terrorism threats in the Balkans.
It also states that the exercise of British instructors, specialists in explosives, which were paid by the Albanian mafia, and at the end of training as suicide terrorists were returning to their cities, where they became a kind of “dormant terrorist”, “Al-Qaeda”.
Referring to the report of U.S. intelligence, the analysis indicates that, in 2004th in the territory of Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Kosovo and Bosnia were about 6,000 people who had a direct or indirect relationship with the “Al-Qaeda”.British anti-terrorist unit in Sarajevo have found links between the terrorists who planted a bomb in London 5 July 2005th and a member of the Bosnian cells.
The analysis points out that as a result of these findings destroyed terrorist group “Maximus” in the Sarajevo Canton. This group of cells was “Al-Qaeda” in Northern Europe, and its leader Mirsad Bektašević, nineteen year old Swedish citizen, was on the Internet in contact with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of “Al-Qaeda” in Iraq.
The analysis explains the history of the emergence of Islamic terrorism in the Balkans.
- Modern Islamic terrorism in the Balkans caused by the increasing influence of Muslim fundamentalists, particularly in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The beginnings of Islamic terrorism associated with radical trends in this religion, which began to spread when the mujahedin arrived in Bosnia to participate in the civil war. They were religious fanatics, many of whom were members of terrorist organizations such as “Al-Qaeda”, “Hezbollah”, “Hamas” and “al-Gama al-Islamiya” – says the analysis.
It is alleged that a number of “holy warriors” remained in Bosnia after the civil war and contributed to the development of terrorist network.
One chapter of analysis is called “Madžahedini in the Balkans, 1992-1995,” and it is said that the most important networks for the transfer of Afghan mujahideen in Bosnia worked on Vienna – Zagreb, followed by the Islamic Cultural Center in Milan.
- Muslim units that fought in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina were coordinated by the Office of Ayman al-Zawahiri, which was established in 1991. in Sofia. Thanks to that office Ayman al-Zawahiri was able to monitor terrorist operations in the Balkans. The year 1996. began to operate the new task force suicidal terrorist, consisting of young Bosnians. This group was established as the leaders and commanders of the “Al-Qaeda” decided to recruit new terrorists among the Slavs and formed the “White Al-Qaeda”, which is more difficult to identify because of their looks for European members – says the analysis.
Osama bin Laden
More evidence came to light proving that Osama bin Laden was in Bosnia, and to meet with the authorities at the highest level.The analysis says that Bin Laden in 1993. The BiH issued. passport at the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Vienna, where she appeared in the company Adunidža Mehrez, who participated in the attacks on U.S. embassies in East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania) five years later.
According to Rohan Guanaratne, the leader of “Al-Qaeda” Osama was in Bosnia since late in 1992. until early in 1993. when training was organized for the mujahedin near Tuzla.
A witness said an early Flato, journalist magazine “Der Spiegel”, who met with bin Laden in 1994. front office Alija Izetbegovic.
The reporter noted that Bin Laden is a perfect story in English, and she was admitted in the interview that he came to Bosnia to bring Islamic volunteers.
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Λίγα λόγια και σταράτα.
Ανεξάρτητο ιστολόγιο.
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Γράφει η αφεντιά μου, φίλοι και συγγενείς.
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Προσοχή όμως. Δεν τα πάω καλά με τα πρακτορικά και τα κατασκοπικά, αλλά αν υποψιαστώ πράκτορες-προβοκάτορες και λοιπούς... agents θα εκραγώ και... ούτε ψύλλος στον κόρφο τους. Ύβρεις και άλλα κακόβουλα αποτελούν επίσης αιτίες... έκρηξης.
Θα σας παρακαλούσα να είστε κόσμιοι στους χαρακτηρισμούς σας, επειδή είναι δυνατόν επισκέπτες του ιστολογίου να είναι και ανήλικοι.
Επίσης, όταν μας αποστέλλονται κείμενα (μέσω σχολίων ή ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου), παρακαλείσθε να αναγράφετε τυχούσα πηγή τους σε περίπτωση που δεν είναι δικά σας. Κάποιοι περιμένουν την ευκαιρία για να μας κατηγορήσουν για λογοκλοπή!!! Αγνοώντας βέβαια, πως στο παρόν ιστολόγιο αναγράφουμε ΠΑΝΤΑ την πηγή του κειμένου. Έτσι, παρακαλούμε για την αναγραφή της πηγής των κειμένων, για να αποφεύγονται παρεξηγήσεις. Ευχαριστούμε για την κατανόησή σας...
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